October 10, 2023
MGB Assembly Row, Markell Room
399 Revolution Drive, Somerville, MA 02145

West Lobby Entrance, first floor

0-3 hours is free, 4-5 hours $5, 5-6 hours I $15, 6+ hours is $27.  (parking fees not included with attendance).

You can pre-order a box lunch through Stacey Ladieu, otherwise there are many options at Assembly Row to grab lunch.


7:30 am

Registration opens

8:00 am

Welcome - Randy Gollub

Why Mesoscale?

8:05 am - 8:30 am

Jon Polimeni, PhD - "What is the ‘biological resolution’ of fMRI? Mesoscale mapping of functional architecture of human cerebral cortex"

8:30am - 9:00 am

Laura Lewis, PhD - “Fast, ultra-high field fMRI can identify temporal dynamics of subcortical activity fundamental to cognition and awareness- evidence from sleep studies in healthy and neuropsychiatric disordered humans”

9 am - 10 am

Panel: Neurobiological & Clinical Drivers of Mesoscale Imaging
Moderator: Randy Gollub
Speakers: Laura Lewis, Jon Polimeni, Shahin Nasr, Roger Tootell, Brian Edlow

10 am - 10:15 am


10:15 am - 11:15 am

"Hot off the Scanner" Flash presentations (selected from submitted abstracts)

11:15 am - 1 pm

Lunch & Poster Session

How to Mesoscale

1:00 pm - 1:30 pm

Elizabeth Hillman - “Functional and structural imaging of whole brains, from flies to humans”

1:30 pm -2:00 pm 

Anastasia Yendiki - "Large-scale imaging of neural circuits, from the microscope to the clinic”

2:00 pm - 3:00 pm

Panel: Technologies to map mesoscale brain structure and function
Moderator: Susie Huang

Speakers: Elizabeth Hillman, Anastasia Yendiki, Hui Wang, Larry Wald, Aapo Nummenmaa, Berkin Bilgic

3:00 pm - 3:30 pm


3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

“Hot off the Scanner” Flash presentations (selected)

4:30 pm - 5 pm

Fireside Chat: "Fireside Chat: Pan-Scale Mapping: Nano to Macro by Way of Meso" (Bruce Rosen, Jeff Lichtman)